In exactly
one year’s time you, yes I mean you, oh
blessed reader-of-impeccable-taste, will be able to pop into your local
bookshop and buy a copy of my debut novel, THE DEFENCE, published by the good people at Orion Books.
With a year
to go there is still much to be done to the book. It still has to be
copy-edited, proof-read, blessed by a dozen priests, washed, combed, de-loused
and have a bat-shit-crazy-cool cover slapped on it before it can be released
into the expectant world.
Will it
survive when it is released from captivity? That is up to you, lovely reader
(you’re looking’ so well, by the way) and it’s up to all the lovely readers out there (you’ve lost weight, haven’t you) who
dwell in lovely reader land. Between now and publication day there will be more
details released about the novel and the series. Yes, THE DEFENCE is the first
in a series of novels featuring former con-artist, turned trial lawyer, Eddie
The book is
a legal thriller, but not in the way you might expect.
Genre is a
funny thing. And sub-genre is an even funnier thing.
For example,
John Grisham and Scott Turow are both classified, in the main, as writers in
the Legal Thriller genre. Yet their work could hardly be more different.
books could be better described as courtroom procedurals. Whereas Grisham
mainly writes thrillers which feature lawyers and some of his more popular
novels don’t involve court cases at all, eg. The Firm.
When I was
writing THE DEFENCE I came across an interview with another one of my favourite
writers, Jeffrey Deaver. Jeff used to be lawyer, and a damn good one at that,
but he really wanted to be a writer. During his long commute on the train he
would write on one of the early laptops (by all accounts a huge, unwieldy
device which weighed upwards of 20lbs). One of Jeff’s earlier books was a legal
thriller, but he found writing the book very difficult.
For those of
you who aren’t completely familiar with Jeff’s work (and why not?) he created
the Lincoln Rhyme series and is widely regarded as a master thriller writer who
plots out his novels with extensive outlines before writing a single word of
prose. Every Deaver fan knows exactly what they’re going to get with one of
Jeff’s novels – it will move like lightning, all of the action will take place
over a short space of time, there will be intricately plotted twists and turns
that dazzle the reader and keep them guessing until they get to the surprise
ending, and then the next surprise ending, followed, for good measure, by a
third surprise ending.
In the article
I found, Jeff said that the type of book he likes to write (fast-moving,
ticking-clock novels filled with great action and nail-biting tension) do not
lend themselves easily to a legal thriller.
When I read
that, I realised that I was writing the book that Jeffrey Deaver thought would
be very difficult to write. Jeffrey Deaver. The man. Damn.
A lot of
coffee, alcohol, and head scratching commenced. However, I decided to stick with
it because while Jeff said writing a novel like that would be difficult, he didn’t
say it would be impossible. And, to be honest, I wasn’t terribly worried about
the book being accepted by a publisher, at that time I just wanted to write the
What I set
out to do with THE DEFENCE, was to create a nail-biting, ticking-clock, courtroom
thriller that kicks off like a Shelby Mustang and accelerates for 400 pages.
Now, to say that that was my plan is a bit of misnomer in that it wasn’t exactly
planned. In fact, planning didn’t come into it. It just sort of happened that
way. Because that was the book that I wanted to write.
So I was very
pleased when my Dutch Editor described the book as - 24 with Jack
Bauer in the courtroom.
So mark your
calendars please, lovely reader, in 365 days it will be released in the UK and
Ireland, followed by Canada, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Italy, Germany and
Japan and more territories to follow, I'm sure.
And do come
back in the meantime – there will be competitions and giveaways between now and
then. And probably some more ramblings from me.
If you’re
feeling generous, don’t hesitate to pre-order on Amazon, or support your local
bookshop by giving them a ring and ask them to order it for you.
And so it
I’m away
And when I
return, I shall come back.