Monday, 28 October 2013

Oh dear, dear me, this will not end well...

In case you have stumbled upon this blog looking for anything of the remotest value or worth, let me apologise right now, you've come to wrong place altogether.

This is my first post, and, well...this might be as good as it gets, but I shouldn't be too tough on myself. After all, I have little or no technological capability. Blogger seems to me, at least, to be a relatively idiot-proof system. However, if you could have heard the swearing, recounting of oaths, fourteen-verse long curses, gnashing of teeth, stamping of feet and seen the withering look that I've been giving the dog all night, you would be forgiven for thinking that someone had asked me to hack into the Pentagon instead of setting up a blog. What makes all of this worse is that no-one asked me to do this; nobody insisted that I create a blog. To that end, I have only myself to blame for my gnashed teeth, sore feet and discontented hound. I suppose that's a writer in a nutshell. Nobody asks them to write, not at the beginning of their career anyway, and yet, write they must.

I'm setting up this blog for a little creative exercise when I have five minutes to spare, which isn't often these days.

In the coming weeks I'll post on what an incredible few months I've had as the rights to my debut novel went to auction in different countries around the world and recount the first, tentative, steps of a new writer as he enters the publishing trade. Along the way I'll hopefully be talking to some other writers, readers, and very nice people indeed from the wider publishing realm.

And that my friends is my overriding feeling at the moment; everyone that I've met, spoken to, tweeted, interacted with on Facebook, everyone in the publishing world has been genuinely lovely. That is what I hope to maintain on this blog, a feeling of mutual respect.

I may post reviews from time to time, I may not. We'll see how it all goes. Whilst I'm starting as I mean to go on, posting upbeat crime fiction/thriller news and views, I will endeavour to maintain your interest, have a few laughs, and hopefully either you, or I, might learn something.

We'll see....

For now, hello.


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